High Vibrational Living
by Dr. Mary Oz | Jun 19, 2019 | Newsletter Messages
How are you doing with your higher vibrational thoughts and feelings? In our last newsletter, I encouraged you to decide what kind of summer you want to have. Today I would like you to think much bigger. Let’s do what I call a “Life Check In! These days how are you...
Let those High Summer Vibrations Shine!
by Dr. Mary Oz | Jun 5, 2019 | Newsletter Messages
Summer is almost here! I assume many of us are looking forward to more sun, some fun days and maybe even a trip we have planned. As we leave the winter behind, as well as Spring that seemed to not have sprung, let’s welcome in summer with the best feelings and highest...
Manifestation at Its Best
by Dr. Mary Oz | May 21, 2019 | Newsletter Messages
I hope all is well, I have been so busy here we missed our last newsletter! My team and I send our apologizes. One thing that always blows me away is the experience of bringing the things into our life that we want, which can include desired experiences and/or desired...
Loving Life
by Dr. Mary Oz | Apr 16, 2019 | Newsletter Messages
Are you loving life yet? Yes? No? Somedays yes, and somedays no? I believe loving life is a goal we should all aim to achieve. There is nothing more painful, disappointing and disheartening than a life not lived fully. As a therapist and a Coach, it always thrills me...
Healthy, Happy, and Loved!
by Dr. Mary Oz | Apr 2, 2019 | Newsletter Messages
Today is a great day to focus on healthy and happy. Every passing day I am feeling stronger, happier and healthier, I love that the warmer weather is on its way! Today, I was appreciating the gift of love, the look of love, and the feel of love. As humans we are truly...