I hope all is well, I have been so busy here we missed our last newsletter! My team and I send our apologizes. One thing that always blows me away is the experience of bringing the things into our life that we want, which can include desired experiences and/or desired people! It’s true we can attract healthy, happy, and fun people into our lives. Whether it is a co-worker, employee, best friend, babysitter, new neighbor or even a lover!

How’s the Law of Attraction working for you? Are you able to attract the things you want, but not the experiences that you want? Can you attract the experiences, but not the people you want?

Have you been aligning yourself, your thoughts, feelings and deep seeded beliefs?

At Radical Change Coaching Academy, we love teaching and talking about full body alignment, as when we are struggling to manifest the experience or people in our life we need to start by looking at our alignment. We find that there are three area’s we need to focus on when manifesting which are your: thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Sometimes our thoughts get in the way of manifesting and other times it can be our feelings that prevent us from attracting what we really want. Some of you may be saying; but Dr. Mary what if I have positive thoughts and feelings, why am I still struggling with manifesting? This is when we need to look at our beliefs, because if we have negative beliefs such as; I don’t deserve that, or I am not worthy, we have found what is stopping full body alignment! The truth is alignment doesn’t work if we only have positive thoughts and feelings, we need positive beliefs as well!

Remember the Law of Attraction is always working! It is always responding to our strongest vibration of either belief, doubt or fear.

What three feelings would you like to feel most days? Choose now!

For me I want to feel fulfilled, loved and peaceful!

Dr. Mary Oz