I know most of you reading this already know about the Law of Attraction, but I wanted to take some time out today to explain in a deeper level. If I have any new community members that do not know about the Law of Attraction; here is a quick overview:

Everyone knows the law of gravity exists. It is the same with the Law of Attraction. It exists and affects you whether you are aware of it or not. However, the Law of Attraction is far more powerful than gravity. Gravity may affect us here on Earth, while the Law of Attraction affects how we live on earth and what we do with our ability of attracting what we want in life. The Law of Attraction is infinite and beyond all boundaries.

There are several Universal Laws and the Law of Attraction states, “That which is like unto itself is drawn” or, “like attracts like.” This means that what you are focused on, you draw to you. I also encourage watching the Movie: The Secret. This is a great way to start learning the basic understandings and beliefs regarding the Law of Attraction.

Okay let’s go deeper! We understand Like Attracts Like; yes this is the basic meaning and definition behind the Law of Attraction but it is much more than that! In our course we teach the Four Must Laws, this combines four universal laws which allows us to fully cooperate with the universe.

But let’s just focus on one universal law for now; the Law of Attraction.

When I teach this law, I really try and help people understand its more than just thinking positive, in order to receive the results you want. It’s about full body alignment, which means not only do we need to think positive thoughts, we also need positive feelings and positive beliefs to go along with it!

Think about it this way: if you are looking to manifest a raise from work and you are using the Law of Attraction you start by keeping your thoughts positive: for example; “I am going to get a 5,000.00 raise”. However; even though you are saying the right things, you may feel like you “do not deserve this raise” and maybe you believe “companies do not care about their employees”. Right there you are sending mixed signals to the universe!! Half of you wants the raise, but the other part of you is either scared, angry, frustrated, or holding onto a different negative association.

If your thoughts are positive but your FEELINGS and BELIEFS are off – you will not be able to manifest what you desire! This is where most people get stuck.

In order, to fully cooperate with the Universe we need to have full body alignment; which is when our head, heart, and gut are one with the desires we want in life.

(Fun Fact) Our head, heart and gut are already physically aligned in our bodies, BUT IT IS OUR JOB to make them emotional, spiritually, and energetically aligned. This is when the work begins!

I would love for you to take a second today and figure out if you are aligned; and I mean fully aligned!

Do your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs work together, or do they conflict with one another. THIS IS A KEY place to start if your looking to improve your manifestation skills when it comes to using the Law of Attraction in your life!

Something to thing about- huh?

Dr. Mary Oz