Has the cold weather been catching up with you? Today I would like to share something with you that will warm your heart and soul. The quickest way to feel good and comfort your heart and soul, is to focus on what makes you happy! Many years ago, when I studied Tony Robbins he spoke about, “The Zone of Fulfillment” versus “The Science of Achievement”. What’s the difference you ask?
The zone of fulfillment is when we take the time to focus on what makes us happy- and I mean naturally happy. Perhaps it’s: golf, dance, working out, socializing, writing books, gardening, cooking or traveling. Once we know at least three experiences or activities that make us really happy, we need to commit to doing them enough that we feel filled up emotionally. Knowing about the zone of fulfillment and practicing what makes us happy, is what leads to us saying; “Life is Good, I Love My Life”!
Here are some more suggestions to help us reach our own zone of fulfillment; reading, being loving, learning, creating, painting, playing sports, running, building, martial arts and volunteering. When we choose healthy activities and experiences, we tend to be healthier!
In my opinion, the “Science of Achievement” is when we are just focused on getting things done, crossing off completed items on our to do list, and just focusing on work and responsibilities. Often when we just focus on the responsibilities and the must do’s in life, we don’t fill up emotionally and this can cause us to feel burdened and exhausted. The quickest way to not enjoying our life is by not knowing how to balance our Zone of Fulfillment and the Science of Achievement.
Take a look at your life and figure out which one do you need more of. Are you filling up enough and are you taking responsibility for yourself, your life, and your own happiness?

Make sure you have at least three ways to help your heart and soul feel happy and complete!

Dr. Mary Oz