I wanted to take a moment today and share some thoughts that sometimes stop me in my tracks and encourage me to take a breath of appreciation for my health, my life, my blessings and who I am! My hope and prayer is my story will encourage you to do the same flooding your whole body with a sense of awe and appreciation.

Ever since I was little I have had this aching feeling that there has to be more, life has to be more meaningful and love should really feel more freeing and comforting. Even as a child I lived in my head, more than my heart and body. I remember in 5th grade getting hooked on reading self-help books. Even at such a young age I was searching for more, looking for better and desiring to feel much better than just okay. Perhaps you can relate to similar feelings of wanting more and better.

I often think about how did a shy, nervous and withdrawn child from West Babylon grow up to be a successful and effective therapist, Results Oriented Coach and Radical Change Expert and why does it matter to you?

Whether it’s my own story of healing, or someone that I personally helped or someone that one of my well-trained coaches transformed – turns out it’s not only about desires – it about taking personal responsibility for our own desire to Heal From Within Consistently until we feel Free enough to stop longing for so much more. It’s a journey that takes time, support, lots of love, understanding, new beliefs and a commitment to new actions all while being supported by a community.

But our greatest joy comes when someone seeking more or better finds their way into our Creating Radical Change Coaching Program with openness and desire and they heal a part of themselves that they didn’t believe could actually heal or didn’t know needed healing.

Today I would like to remind you: you are loved, you are adored, you are supported, and where ever you are at in the journey of healing your past, yourself, your life or relationships –help and support is available for you and your loved ones!

Are you wanting to heal another part or aspect of your life that just doesn’t feel good, or right? Are you willing to love yourself and your life so much that you consistently invest in healing from within, growth and designing your bigger, better and brighter future? Do you know someone or have a family member that is in need of healing, growth and transformation?

What is life all about for you? – Love, Safety, Fun, Comfort, Importance, Significance or getting your needs met?

If you can relate, to wanting more out of life will you join me or ask your loved ones to join me as we kick off our next healing and life transforming class. During these 90 Days you will learn everything you need to know about Ho’oponopono, healing first then mastering the Law of Attraction.

If this answer is yes, I have a provided a special link you need to check out!

Join me as I give you access to my replay from my Heal NOW from Within training. This a powerful training I do not want you to miss, not only does this training help identify what stopping YOU form having it all, but it also provides the opportunity for you to take this one step further and get more training, tools and support! (If you have been following my newsletters; you know the importance of getting and asking for support).

Powerful Training Webinar <<< Replay Now Available    

I look forward to sharing incredible stories of Radical Change, strategies and tools that will help you become more resourceful than the average person and information on the Healing Power of Ho’oponopono that will help you Master the Law of Attraction quickly, easily and painlessly.



Dr. Mary Oz