My Radical Change Coaches and I spent seven days in Arizona last week, WOW was the energy amazing! This inspired me to talk about the importance of energy and my hope is to bring a piece of the energy received last week to this community. I also wanted to share this newsletter with my newly certified Radical Change Coaches, so they can share their experience of energy and the lessons they have now learned.
First, I want to remind you, it’s important to know that Everything is Energy and Energy is in Everything!
If you are having trouble manifesting your big dreams, try focusing on the essence of what you want, why you want it, and the feeling that you already have it. Sometimes manifesting the big things in life is a matter of resetting a vibrational energy.
While I was with My Radical Change Coaches I asked them to share with you guys their thoughts about energy, and their experience of the energy of our Mastermind together. I invite you to read their thoughts on energy and what they felt compelled to share with you:
Coach Craig:
“This whole year we have learned that everything is energy. This week has only enhanced my connection with energy and has helped release negative energy and embody the overall feelings of peace. The power of surrendering to energy was a reoccurring theme throughout the week. Turns out that we are 96% energy and only 4% matter; if you decide to focus on the 96% you will see major shifts in your life. I encourage all to take some time to understand energy and allow yourself the healing of connecting with a higher vibrational energy, and I also challenge you to let that be the largest part of your healing”.
Coach Ta:
“I’ve always dreamed of being in Arizona, being in the mountains, close to nature, close to Mother Earth. It’s more than a dream come true because not only am I with like mined spirits, I’m blessed to call this Radical Change Team my spiritual vibrational family. All of us raised our vibrational energy, from this week of masterminding together. Energy is like breathing, it flows, it gives and takes, it circulates, all we need to do is allow it to percolate us. I encourage you all to not be afraid to allow energy to fill your life. It’s all about believing and being open to your true existence”.
Coach Samm:
“I have always known energy existed, but I lacked to see the influence and the abundance it has in the world and on all of our personal lives. This week I was able to really experience vibrational energy from within, and I was truly awakened. I have always struggled with mediating and feeling a true sense of inner peace. It was SO powerful to connect with a higher vibration, bigger than my mind could ever imagine. The energy of Sedona has really taught me to stop resisting energy, and allow it to lead me through love, connection, decisions, and hardships. I am not alone when I have higher energy and vibrations by my side. I would encourage all to let go of the resistance and allow energy to lead you to all that is possible”.
“What I enjoyed the most was visiting the four energetic spots in Sedona, called the Vortex. It was amazing that each vortex energy felt different. My favorite was the Cathedral Vortex, where I experienced peace, calmness, serenity and oneness with nature. The real lesson about energy I learned this week is by allowing the energy to flow through me, I get to be my higher self which then allows my creating and inspiration to flood internally. I encourage all to take time and connect with nature, as the pure positive energy you receive is magical”.
I am not surprised to discover Sedona is a very powerful place to do a mastermind and help my coaches set themselves up for tremendous success and abundance. WOW …. WOW ….WOW, what an amazing week we just had! Whether we were mediating, hiking, horseback riding, taking a jeep tour, or sharing from the heart; I feel so blessed to have spent this past week lovingly experiencing an energetic connection and shift for our Radical Change Coaching Academy. What a gift to come together, mediate, and create our next steps for our abundant future together!
My Challenge for you is to recognize what is your relationship to everything being energy? What would it take for you to be more aware of the powerful energy with in you?
P.S It is yearning to come out to build your bigger, better brighter future.
Dr. Mary Oz