The New Year is a great time to think about how would you like your life to be different? Do you want any of your relationships to be more fulfilling? No matter what age you are, right now, do you have any regrets that you would like to let go of?

One way to let go of regrets and allow yourself to move forward is to learn how to coach yourself. By learning this skill you are able to coach yourself from negative thinking to positive thinking, as well as coach yourself from feeling bad to feeling hopeful. Every day here at Radical Change Coaching Academy and our East Islip Wellness Center my team and I spend countless hours helping our clients and students feel better by managing their thoughts first and then their feelings.

Take a moment to coach yourself right now, with these three steps:

Step 1:
Sit down with some pen and paper, commit to being honest with yourself and ask yourself the following questions using a number from 1-10. The number 10 means a strong response and the low numbers like 1 means a weaker response:

I am happy with my relationship with myself?

I am happy with my relationship to my spouse or significant other?

I am happy with my relationship to my children (if I have some)?

I am happy with my close friendships?

I am happy with my relationship to my family members?

I am happy with my relationship to God/Divinity?

I am happy with my relationship with the Universe?

I am able to move past my mistakes?

I am able to let go of past pain?

I am able to create the change I want in my life?

I am able to love and adore myself?

I love myself the way I love others?

I love myself even when everything is not working out the way I want?

Step 2:
Now identify which of your answers are low. Take your 3 lowest numbers and write them down

  1. Not happy with my friendships
  2. Not creating the change I want in my life
  3. Not loving myself the way I love others

Step 3:
Now ask yourself:

What would it take to be more happier with my friendships?

What would it take to create the change in your life that you want and deserve?

What would it take to love yourself the way you love others?


You have just coached yourself to some nice clarification. You now know three areas in your life that once you improve you will be happier and healthier!

Don’t take the journey alone, my Radical Change Coaches are always here to help! Are you ready to commit to an amazing 2019 Year, Your Best Year Yet! Call Radical Change Coaching Academy and discover how good it feels to have a coach to lean on, a coach to guide you and a coach to make sure you resolve the three things that are in your way of being happier and healthy.

Cheers to your best year yet,

Dr. Mary Oz