I hope and trust everyone is well and happy. Sending out positive love and appreciation for you and your life! For me today is a great day for a Rampage of Appreciation. In January all was well and great in my world – just the way I like it! Than February came and I started to feel off and sluggish. Never did I think not feeling well, would lead to an entire rough month of an Epstein Barr episode, thyroid issues, and a need for lots of rest.

Today is a great day to let go of all the frustrations and worries and focus on what is working in my life and what I appreciate the most right now!

I appreciate my health, my mind, my body and heart. I love making a difference in people’s life either through my coaching or counseling business. I appreciate my skills, my knowledge, and my systems that I lean on often. I appreciate that I have trained others to be effective social workers, radical change coaches and some of them now have six figure practices.

I appreciate my staff here at the East Islip Wellness Center; Samantha, Michelle, Coach Craig, Alanna, and Robyn. I appreciate my Radical Change Coaches Ta and Marissa. I appreciate my company Millennium Coaching.

I appreciate my home, my car, my income, my precious daughters and my passion to play professional poker. I appreciate my friends and family – new and old. I appreciate my favorite chair and couch that allowed me comfort, and we can’t forget about the TV that entertained me throughout last month.

I appreciate the warmer weather, the sun, the moon, the stars, fresh alkaline water and the feeling of success and love. I appreciate all the relationships in my life, the look of love, the expression of love, the sound of love, and the feeling of being loving and loved.

I appreciate that the Universe supports and loves me. I personally appreciate my closeness with God, which allows me to feel His love and trust in His Faithfulness when life throws me an unexpected curve ball!

How about you? What do you appreciate?

Is today is a good day for a Rampage of Appreciation, if so share it! The more we share our appreciation the more we invite into our own lives.

And Lastly; I appreciate you!

Dr. Mary Oz