Dr. Mary Oz
I have been a therapist for 30 years, a Results Oriented Coach for 15 years and now I am known as a Radical Change Expert. My passion is helping others create the necessary, meaningful and life lasting change they want and deserve. The real joy comes when I can help others create Radical Change, Radical Healing and Radical Transformation quickly, the easiest way possible and powerfully. Through the years I have studied and coached with only the best. I am sure you recognize names like Anthony Robbins, Dr. Joe Vitale, Christy Whitman and Lisa Sasevich!
After years of studying their success and most powerful tools I have the privilege of creating my own program called Radical Change Now. In the past four years I have been awed, honored and privileged to watch my clients grow beyond their own requests, and fall more in love with who they are and their lives. Even more exciting is when they uncover their true worth and value and build a bigger, better brighter future than they ever believed or imagined.
At Radical Change Coaching Academy it is a weekly occurrence to have our clients be helped with our 3 Step Ho’oponopono Express Action Plan! Our clients often report amazing results with health, relationships, being protected, feeling peaceful, money resolutions, healthy self-care and feeling happier as well as more inspired. Along with my team of Radical Change Coaches we have developed a Coaching Program and Community of like minded men and woman who are open to learning how the power of Ho’oponopono Healing, the Law of Attraction and Results Oriented Living can help you become happier, wealthier and healthier!
In our programs and community we take you by the hand, and help you create a healing foundation, as well as develop a plan for you to apply, and master the Law of Attraction. A huge part of our programs is holding you accountable to results, change, inspiration and your dream life! So if you are ready to discover your true worth and commit to Radical Change, Radical Healing and Radical Transformation by setting a Healing Foundation in your life with Ho’oponopono, the Law of Attraction and Results Oriented Living we are here and ready to help.
If you are tired of working too hard and not getting paid what you are worth. If you know there is more powerful work for you to do and you yearn for a Bigger, Better Brighter Future! If you are ready for more love, more money, more peace and inspiration! I too know exactly how you feel. I personally spent way too many years and way too much money searching for the right program to help me feel and live more fulfilled! I am excited and thrilled to share with you the powerful knowledge, steps and system that can bring you Radical Change Now quickly, easily and powerfully.
This is for you if you are done with trying, struggling and hoping. Are You Ready for Radical Change and Healing in less than 30 Days. If so we are here to deliver!
Meet My Dream Team of Radical Change Coaches

Coach Samantha
Who also goes by Coach Samm, is blessed and honored to be a part of Dr. Mary Oz’s dream team as she has different roles in the company. As the Chief Operations Officer (COO) she handles and oversee the operations of the company and is here to provide any guidance needed to ensure the company thrives. As one of Dr. Mary Oz’s Radical Change Coaches, Samm is thrilled to have the opportunity to work closely with individuals who are ready to uncover their worth, self- love, and true potential. Samm has many passions in life, which include: dancing, teaching, coaching, and helping others. Samm graduated with her Masters in Social Work; and nothing brings her more joy than being able to support others mentally, physically and emotionally. Samm expresses gratitude for the opportunities that life has given her as she strives to be her best self by always growing in knowledge, strength, kindness, and love.

Coach Stephanie
Is a Ho’oponopono Coach with Dr. Mary Oz’s Radical Change Now Coaching Academy, as well as an Advanced Certified Ho’oponopono Mentor with Dr. Joe Vitale. Coach Stephanie is very passionate about helping people learn and experience the amazing healing benefits of Ho’oponopono. She believes that Ho’oponopono is so powerful because it helps you live in inspiration, instead of the fears and limited beliefs that hold you back in life. She went to school for Culinary Arts & Management is very passionate about food, culture and travel, as well as connecting with people. Coach Stephanie is also excited and happy to work closely with Dr. Mary Oz as her Chief Marketing Officer (CMO).
“I wish you the very best with your Ho’oponopono Prayers and Experiences!”

Coach Penny
Is a Ho’oponopono Coach who is a perfect example of how setting a healing foundation in your life can lead to everything changing!
She personally has experienced how applying both the Healing Power of Ho’oponopono and the Law of Attraction will change you from the inside out!
She is well equipped to share how everyday use of essential oils and their health benefits can assist you in your healing and journey of Radical Change!