Feel More Fulfilled

Here are 5 quick tips to help you feel more fulfilled!

  1. Be committed to loving yourself and others more deeply, as well as your pets – life – passions – your body and your soul – don’t forget God!
  2. Get a good giggle and laugh in more often – it’s okay to make yourself laugh too.
  3. Take a few minutes of stillness and silence and then take 4 deep breathes of appreciation thinking about what you love about your life and yourself the most – it could be a person, place, experience, decision, etc.
  4. Explore and widen your understanding of the spiritual laws that exist – especially the Law of Attraction, The Law of Allowing, The Law of Deliberate Intent, The Law of Detachment, and the Law of Prosperity!
  5. Discover how you can make a positive difference both big and small for yourself and others, family and strangers!

If you have a few minutes you may want to check out this VoiceAmerica Show below on Finding More Happiness!