It’s Time to Create YOUR Radical Change!

Listen to the REPLAY of this Powerful Radical Change Training Call
Click below to listen NOW:

On June 9th, 2018 we will be launching our “Creating Radical Change” coaching program.

This course is only offered three times a year, and I wanted to make sure you are kept in the loop! Listen to my ten-minute video to GET THE FULL scoop of what this program has to offer.

In this class we lay a healing foundation for you to identify areas in your life where you may need to release your unseen negative thoughts and feelings that are keeping you from having it all! One of the main goals taught throughout the class is to heal from within first, BEFORE attempting to master the Law of Attraction.

After laying a healing foundation with Ho’oponopono we then dive deep in understanding the 4 Must Laws, in order, to master the Law of Attraction. The universe wants to love you, support you and give you what you want and deserve. Do you know how to cooperate 100% with the Universe?

Not only will you be walking away with so much knowledge, but the course is designed to be a life style change! Yes- you will walk away a new you!

Here is what you can EXPECT this course will deliver:

  1. Identify what is stopping you or holding you back from having it all.
  2. Master Full Body Alignment, which is when your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are working together, and NOT against each other.
  3. Upgrade your Tool Box with MUTIPLE techniques and skills from Ho’oponopono, Law of Attraction, and Results Oriented Living.
  4. Strategize a Plan to help you get to where you want to be
  5. Achieve Accountability

What will I learn in this course…….

  • The Healing Power of Ho’oponopono
  • The 4 Must Laws
    1. The Law of Attraction
    2. The Law of Deliberate Intent
    3. The Law of Allowing
    4. The Law of Detachment
  • How to Combine Ho’oponopono and the Law of Attraction
  • Heal first, before manifesting the life you want and deserve
  • Take the 30 – Day Life Changing Challenge with my team and I
  • Learn our UNIQUE tapping system- which bring HUGE results to our clients
  • Identify what is your primary way of being in life

Creating Radical Change Coaching Program is for YOU if:

  • You want more from you, your life or your relationships
  • You want to feel safer and have more security, (with money, love or success)
  • You don’t like hum- drum and crave some fun and excitement
  • You want to feel more important, accomplished or successful
  • If you want more love in your life, more intimacy and extraordinary relationships


90-day Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Mary Oz

  • Meet once a week 3x a month for an hour and half group session
    • Classes will be held on Saturdays 11:00am to 12:00pm EST
      *Further classes may open depending on overfill.
      (Please email our support team if you are interested in other class availability at [email protected])
  • One week of accountability exercises
  • All sessions are recorded
  • All recordings are available even after group is terminated


One ticket to Dr. Mary Oz’s 3 Day Live Event ($3,000.00 Value)

(location and specifics to be announced)

I am so happy that I signed up for Dr. Mary Oz’s Radical Change Coaching
Academy and completed her “Creating Radical Change Coaching Program.” Being a part of this Academy has changed my life and I have received tremendous value for every penny I spent! I can’t say enough good things about this program, I have tried many coaching venues and been healing for 12 years and this program is by far the most powerful and life-changing program I have ever engaged in. I love how Dr. Mary Oz held me accountable, taught me self-accountability, (which I was lacking) and helped me have break – throughs I didn’t even know I needed. Dr. Mary is very specific and helps you work on getting Radical Change by combining Ho’oponopono and the Law of Attraction. This program, will radically Change your life if you work it. I love it! I truly believe this program is for everyone who drastically wants his or her life to change for the better! Check it out for yourself – Great Program and Dr Mary is awesome!

– Craig
New York

I am super excited to be a part of Radical Change Coaching Academy. I am loving, enjoying and growing in Dr. Mary Oz’s ” Creating Radical Change Coaching Course”. I love Ho’oponopono and The Law of Attraction and appreciate the rich experience of combining both together. As an artist I found the exercises, having a happy book, journaling and using my hands to create my very own powerful Ho’oponopono Story to be awesome and results oriented. I also enjoy the group members and the sense of community and support we have with one another as we share our wins, breakthroughs and whole living presence with one another. Super excited to be releasing my new book, “Prayer is Good!” Thank you, Dr. Mary!

– Brette


I have been in Dr. Mary Oz’s Creating Radical Change Program for the past two months and I am blown away how powerful it has been since the first call. Every week I find myself thinking this is the best money I have ever invested in my future and myself. I am so glad I listened to my gut and signed up for this powerful and inspiring course. Dr. Mary Oz is a wealth of knowledge, holds each and every one of us accountable every week and even teaches us to hold ourselves accountable. I love – love this course and highly recommend anyone thinking of taking this course – do it – it’s amazing!

– Marissa
South Carolina

Recently, I completed Dr. Mary Oz’s Radical Change Coaching Program and I found it to be inspiring and powerful. Earlier today I coached a client from drama and trauma into peace, love and empowerment. One of the experiences I loved is that Dr. Mary Oz combines psychology and spirituality all in one. I love the knowledge, exercises, tools and techniques that have helped me become more confident as a coach. Thank you Dr. Mary, I appreciate you, I thank you, and I love you!

– Ta


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