Has Dr. Blasey Ford’s experience triggered Unwanted – Surprised Painful Memories of Your OWN?
This has been designed to Help You, Support You and Invite You to Heal from any past sexual assaults, abuse or unwanted and unpleasant experiences you have had.
We are sorry for your pain, anguish, hurt and any betrayal you have experienced! Know that you are not alone – there has been a huge increase of victims of sexual assault and abuse being reported for the 1st time since the Kavanaugh – Ford Hearing and we are here to help you.
We want you to know:
- You Are Not Alone
- Help is Available
- Healing is Possible
- Having you return to your Life Emotionally Stronger is what we do best
Please allow me to introduce myself:
My name is Dr. Mary Oz, I have been a LCSW (Therapist) for 30 years, a Life Coach for 15 years and have trained a team of Results Oriented Coaches to help everyday people handle unwanted and unexpected negative experiences! We believe in helping you Get the Big – Wanted Healing and Change you are in Need of!
All of my Results Oriented Coaches have been personally trained by me to help you Heal as deeply, and quickly as possible by telling your story, honoring your feelings and finding your emotional strength.
The 5 Healing Steps to Emotional Strength
- First we Listen, Hear and Validate your pain (help you find the words sometimes)
- We embrace you where you are and help you figure out what you need and want to feel better and be strong enough to handle your unwanted devastation and pain
- We take a closer look how you life has been affected and figure out with you, what it would take to begin to feel better and heal one step at a time
- When you are ready we help you let go of the pain and set you up with a healing plan to move forward for yourself and your family
- We celebrate who you are, your healing and your newfound emotional strength with you!